September 6, 2010 has been added to The Atheist Blogroll. You can see the blogroll in my sidebar. The Atheist blogroll is a community building service provided free of charge to Atheist bloggers from around the world. If you would like to join, visit Mojoey at Deep Thoughts for more information. This posted to fulfil requirements for being listed on the dogroll.

“New humanism” video online

September 5, 2010

This video sets the mission of Evolved Self Publishing in the context of humanism. That’s because I’ve concluded my ideas are most likely to interest humanists, educators and humanities practitioners.

I’m attached to these ideas. On the one hand, they’re lonely and I continue to look for friends for them to play with.  Simply existing does not entitle them to attention, I know, but one can choose  to nurture particular ideas, as in some ways living creatures in a world of their own. I indulge these ideas, as a fond parent.

On the other hand, suppose I find they’re not at all original and I’m not actually their parent, I’ve merely adopted someone else’s progeny? Then I can still choose to champion them, as warriors serving as my surrogates on a strategic frontier. The central idea, of our genetic tissues’ thinking as accounting for the inheritance of acquired characteristics, is cranky. Issued forth to do battle it looks back at me and asks, “What am I supposed to do? Entertain? Amuse? Inform? Persuade? Enrage?” “Pull yourself together,” I reply sternly. “Learn your role from how other ideas treat you, who offers to be your friend, who treats you as an enemy. You’re to figure your role out for yourself, as you go along.”

Of course, I’m having to stiffen my own resolve. Depending on how much l identify with its fate, I will myself have to adopt the role it’s forced into.

Evolution and the self

January 11, 2010

Two things I know: I know we evolved, and I’m aware of my own self. My books and this blog focus on those two things and what they mean for each other.  One result has been a new theory of evolution. That’s what you’ll find me writing about here.